Bourne Elememts

Bourne Elememts
Few of my designs

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bourne Elements Design: My first blog

Bourne Elements Design: My first blog:  "This is the start of my morning.  I wanted to start this off with a Big Hello!  To share some ideas of what I have been meaning to do for a long long time.... After a year of wishing for a room to create and design my jewery and crafts, a place to work on my computer with out interruptions.   I finally have my own space, my own room.  And now I have painted my walls and in the process of setting up my work areas. I will, hopefully, learn how to post better and post pictures soon...very soon.

Simple City Craft Fairs

I remember going to craft fairs that were low cost ran b y the local City Parks and Recreations that charged around $30.00 and wanted you to come and share your goods.  Now days not only do they charge more than you might make, they have to screen your goods and judge your goods before you can even be approved to sell with them. I wish there were still  simple craft fairs that didn't cost so much. Maybe I have a new mission t add to my adventure.

My first blog

This morning I wanted to take a moment to share some news that means more to me than I can truly put into words. After a year of wishing planning and preparing.  I have finally been able to set up the start of my workroom.  Where I can be alone with out family and TV disruptions.  I've painted the walls and moved a few pieces of furniture in.  But have a great deal of sorting and setting up my workspace.  This is all new to me so my postings will be slow.  Thanks for reading I'll be back soon.